
Jan 06, 2024 Published a refresh of the Android security threat model paper, the official source from Google on how Android security works.
Aug 01, 2023 I have joined Georgia Tech full time as a new Assistant Professor!
Sep 16, 2020 :email: Our work on deniability in email “Keyforge: Mitigating Email Breaches with Forward-Forgeable Signatures” was accepted to Usenix Security ‘21 (Blogpost, Paper)
Sep 15, 2020 :ballot_box: Our security analysis of OmniBallot was accepted to Usenix Security ‘21 (Blogpost, Paper)
Aug 10, 2020 I presented our security analysis of Voatz at Defcon! (Presentation, Usenix Paper)
Jul 20, 2020 I coauthored an EFF-led amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in the Van Buren case describing the need to limit the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (Press Release, Brief)
Jul 14, 2020 Our security analysis of Voatz was accepted to Usenix Security 2020!